Overcoming the grief pit


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Chapter 1: Grief

Grief Prayer

Please make the following your own by praying and confessing so the Healing Power of God can be activated in your life.  


Dear God,

You are the Great I Am. You are Jehovah Rophe, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Tsidkenu, Jehovah Shammah, The Way, the truth and the light. There is none like you. Before I was born you were here and when I take my final breathe you will still be here. You are the all knowing God. I know that my time on this earth is a fleeting moment and one day all the troubles of this earth will end. I come to you Father to pour out this pain that I am feeling. I deeply loved my loved one who passed away. My heart is broken. It is difficult for me to imagine life without them. I realize that since they are longer here I have to make changes and adjustments. I do not know where to begin. God, it is difficult for me to even want to make the changes necessary at a time like this. What I desire most, is for my loved ones to stay on this earth with me. I know God that this is not possible. I know God that this is not your divine plan. Even God as I remember what you said in your word, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, the changes are tough. So God I am asking you to help me. Lord, help me to hear your voice above the many voices that are present. Lord, help me to rest through this journey of sadness, grief, mourning and sorrow. I pray strength for my physical body. I come against the spirit of infirmity. Lord, may the scriptures of our Holy Bible comfort and soothe me, even in this very hour. God, I thank you that you have heard my prayer and you, being the awesome God, you are, surely will answer, In Jesus name I pray. 


Chapter 2: The love of god, even now

The Love of God, Even Now… Prayer

Please make the following your own by praying and confessing so the Healing Power of God can be activated in your life.  


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the Love that you manifest to us daily. God, you created love and you are love. I know that you sent your son Jesus Christ to die for me. I know that without the blood of Jesus Christ as the payment for my sin I would be lost.  The blood of Jesus has reconciled us all back to you on this day and forever. I understand that you are a Spirit and that I must worship you in Spirit and Truth. I know that your word says that those of us who believe by faith are blessed. God, I thank you for that blessing. Today God I am struggling with your love; I need to see and feel your presence now. This is a tough place for me. It’s hard for me to see clearly. I know that the bible says that Jesus is already acquainted with every kind of suffering I will ever experience. So please, help me today to feel the deep love you have for us all. Please send earthly angels to confirm again and again how much you love me. Even as I lay my head down to sleep at night, please reassure and comfort me every hour of the night. I ask you God to continue to be Jehovah Shalom, the God of Peace, in every circumstance of my life. God I thank you for listening and answering this prayer. I will be careful to give you all the glory, honor and praise in Jesus name


chapter 3: the unanswered question: why

Unanswered Question…Prayer

Please make the following your own by praying and confessing so the Healing Power of God can be activated in your life.  


Praise be to you God, my rock, and my shield. I thank you Lord, that you never sleep nor slumber. Thank you for being an ever present Savior. I thank you that your word says that if we dwell in the secret place, then we are under your almighty shadow. Thank you Lord for being, the comforter. Thank you, God, for all of the needs and desires that you have already provided. God we know that in the Bible, many great men and women of God moved by faith and not by their intellect. As I have studied scriptures and learned your ways and who you are, I know that you are not a God who always provides answers. You God have said over and over again that I must trust you. God today I come to you because I don’t have answers about this death. God help me to sit quietly in your presence. Please help me to remember that everything works together for good for those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Please help remind me that I live in a world where satan is like a roaring lion seeking those he can devour. Please help me to know that you will provide peace and comfort and that I should trust that every matter is in your hand. God, I thank you for blessing me to raise my level of trust in you like never before. I pray God that through your power, I can remain peaceful in this storm. I pray that you will remind me daily to put my confidence in you. I believe that all these prayers have reached your throne, so I seal them in Jesus name. 


chapter 4: tough days

Tough Days…Prayer

Please make the following your own by praying and confessing so the Healing Power of God can be activated in your life.  

Oh Heavenly Father, You are great and greatly to be praised. Thank you for your continued presence in my life. I repent today for any sin, wrongdoing, or any way that I may have grieved the Holy Spirit in my life. Please give me a clean heart and renew a right Spirit in me. Hallow be your name dear Father on this day. I thank you for your Kingdom and I wait in anticipation of one day returning to be with you eternally. Father today I come to you because this day feels unbearable to me. I pray that these tears that continue to flow will fall from my eyes with hope. I pray God that you will catch the tears in your heavenly bottle as you promised to do. I pray God that the aching pain that seems unending, will eventually come to an end. I pray that the Joy of the Lord, which is my strength, will begin to come forth again. I pray Lord that my face that was once adorned with a beautiful smile, will one day return. I pray that on this day which is so incredibly difficult, that I will be able to rest. I pray that the mountain of responsibilities would be supernaturally decreased and I can spend some quiet reflective time with you. Lord you know my every need. You said in your word that we have not because we ask not. Today I ask for your divine intervention because I am weak. I ask that this day of desperation be transformed into a day of peace. I ask all these blessings in your son Jesus Christ name. 



Chapter 5: Navigating the Holidays

Navigating the Holidays…Prayer

Please make the following your own by praying and confessing so the Healing Power of God can be activated in your life.  


Dear Lord, You are a great God. You are excellent in all of your ways. The earth was created by you in excellence. Today I bless your name. I thank you for all the great and mighty things that you have done in my life. I serve no other God. You are the most important person in my life. I humbly come to you with my concern. The holidays will occur soon.  My prayer is that you will give me strength and strategy to make a plan that will keep me in a position of comfort and peace. That plan might include me skipping some family dinners and celebrations.  I might also plan a trip to a peaceful destination. Please help me plan for this occasion. Please help me to consider all options and operate in the reality of my situation; weighing all the available options and how they might impact my emotions. I ask you to keep me from feelings of guilt as it relates to the people around me. I pray that the people around me will be understanding and will not apply pressure in my sensitive season of mourning. I pray that I will grow stronger as time passes. I pray that I will operate in the reality of my feelings and emotions and allow your healing to occur. God I know you are ever present. You promised in your word that you will not leave or forsake me. Please God, please continue to speak to me in all of these matters concerning this season of celebration. I thank you in advance God and trust you in all things. In Jesus Name I pray. 



Chapter 6: And the Rules Change

And the Rules Change…Prayer

Please make the following your own by praying and confessing so the Healing Power of God can be activated in your life.  


Dear God, You are the great I Am!!! Heaven and earth adore you. We thank you for this day that you have made. No matter what our circumstances are we rejoice in your glory. Forgive us today for our trespasses dear Father. We come to you humbly knowing that without your grace, we are lost. We bless you today and evermore. Glory to you Father. I am asking you for help today because I am struggling with so much conflicting advice from people I love. I know that your word says that whatever concerns me concerns you. I pray that you would give me peace as I listen to advice that differs from one person to another. Please help me through this painful confusion. Help me not to become angry and isolate myself from people. Help me to understand that people want to help but they do not always have clear and accurate information about the grief journey. Help me to learn to reject information and behavior that will not profit me on this journey to recovery. God I ask that you will continue to speak to me in a manner that I can understand. I ask that you will lead me to Bible scriptures that will uplift, restore, and encourage my soul. I thank you for the loved ones and friends who come to offer comfort. Please help me to be able to rightly divide what is beneficial and true. Lord I thank you that I can come to you for every situation that I encounter. I am forever grateful to you Father and it is in the name of Jesus Christ I pray 


Chapter 7: Signs of Hope

Signs of Hope…Prayer

Please make the following your own by praying and confessing so the Healing Power of God can be activated in your life.  


My Father, my daddy my Everlasting hope. I love you Jesus and I am so grateful to be called friend by you. Thank you for your awesomeness!!!! Thank you God for the sun, stars, trees, birds and plants: all those things that man alone could never create. Thank you for remembering me in the good times and the rough places. Lord I want you to know that I could never re-pay you for what you have done in my life. I never take for granted that you allow me to come to you, as your child, with my life issues. Whatever my deficiencies are on this earth you always have a way out, and for that I am glad. Today God I believe that you are watching each of us with your all seeing eyes. I ask you to provide signs for me that will give me hope. You have so many ways to allow things to happen. You are a supernatural God and just when I think I have all the answers you produce an answer that I have not thought about. I thank you for the signs of peace along the journey of mourning. I pray that each sign that I experience would be like a peaceful stream of water that flows so gently beside me. I know that any signs you sent from heaven will not produce fear, will not invoke anger nor will they bring confusion. I bind up any assignment of the enemy to present false signs. I pray that your Godly signs of hope will be followed by spiritual confirmations over and over. Even in Noah’s days you sent the sign of a bird to notify him of your plans. Thank you God that you are the same yesterday, today and forevermore. I submit this prayer to you in Jesus Name 
