Let Us Pray for YOu
We are excited to bring prayer to you. We have compiled prayers for different concerns, recorded them and placed them here on this site for you to listen to anytime you need them. We count it a blessing and an honor that we are able to bring prayer directly to you all times of the day. We understand that prayer is the most resisted activity on the planet therefore it is our mission to find creative ways to bring prayer to you to help encourage, strengthen and uplift you.
On the right is a list of the prayers available at this time. Check back often as we will be adding more prayers and more areas of concern. If you have a prayer request please go to our prayer request page and write it in the comments so that we can pray for you.
May the Grace of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, rest, rule and abide with you now and forever more.
Center of Prayer Team
The Lord is expanding the place of our tent. He is moving in a mighty way to enlarge the Center of Prayer. If you wish to give to the ministry please click the Donation tab below.